Why I love solo traveling (and you will, too) E96

Episode 96 May 30, 2023 00:10:55
Why I love solo traveling (and you will, too)  E96
Raise Your Energy
Why I love solo traveling (and you will, too) E96

May 30 2023 | 00:10:55


Hosted By

Linda Lange

Show Notes

It has been a while since I talked about solo traveling and I am such a fan. Given that I am about to travel again alone I thought it was a great opportunity to share with you how I get ready for it and tell you why I do it. What am I getting out of it? 

In this episode you’ll learn:

For the full show notes, visit raiseyourenergypodcast.com


Listen next to:

E02 - Why you should go away for a week by yourself

E18 - Interested in taking a break from life?

E27 - Time Off from Life


More Energy Resources:


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