Trouble visualizing in pictures? Don’t worry! E114

Episode 114 October 10, 2023 00:13:06
Trouble visualizing in pictures? Don’t worry!   E114
Raise Your Energy
Trouble visualizing in pictures? Don’t worry! E114

Oct 10 2023 | 00:13:06


Hosted By

Linda Lange

Show Notes

If you have trouble visualizing pictures, then you are not alone. Lots of people struggle with it for very good reasons which I’m going to share with you today. 


The good news is that visualizing does not only come in pictures. I know, I know. The word visualization implies that you see something visually. 


But the purpose of visualization, you can actually use other senses and techniques that are more aligned and easier for you.


In this episode you’ll learn:


For the full show notes, visit


Episode Mentions:

Listen to Episode 75 to learn why emotions are such a crucial part of the visualization process.

I also mention my most-played meditation on my YouTube channel, VISUALIZATION Meditation.


Listen next to:

E109 - How changing actually looks & feels like

E105 - Walking Meditation for Beginners – What, Why and How

E90 - Ask Better Questions to Create a Better Life


More Energy Resources:


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