Change Your Frequency, Change Your Life (Reflection Workshop) E151

Episode 151 June 25, 2024 00:14:55
Change Your Frequency, Change Your Life (Reflection Workshop)  E151
Raise Your Energy
Change Your Frequency, Change Your Life (Reflection Workshop) E151

Jun 25 2024 | 00:14:55


Hosted By

Linda Lange

Show Notes

Today is going to be a bit of a different episode. I am going to guide you through a short but impactful workshop that I presented last month in a live online event. And I thought, why not make it an episode for everyone?!?

It's about changing your life by changing your frequency. But what does that actually mean and how can you do it? You will find out today.


Get yourself something to take notes on, either a journal, piece of paper or your computer. Whatever works best for you but the most powerful way would be to write with pen and paper. Let's get started.


In this episode you’ll learn:


For the full show notes, visit


Episode Mentions:

Learn the process of change and get my support by joining Energy Academy


Listen next to:

E143 - Break the Habit of Being YOU (and Change Your Life)

E136 - The Red Pill or Blue Pill of Energy? It’s Your Choice!

E130 - How to Create True Freedom from the Inside Out


More Energy Resources:


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