Be the observer of your life for true change to happen E45

Episode 45 June 07, 2022 00:25:49
Be the observer of your life for true change to happen  E45
Raise Your Energy
Be the observer of your life for true change to happen E45

Jun 07 2022 | 00:25:49


Hosted By

Linda Lange

Show Notes

I talk a lot about the observer and how it helps me in my life to step into the role of the observer. A few people asked me to clarify the concept of the observer, what it’s all about and how we can use it more to our benefit. 

So listen to this episode to learn about how you can become the observer of your life and change your life quicker and better.

In this episode you’ll learn:

For the full show notes, visit


Listen next to:

E60 - Struggling with the concept of awareness and observership?

E66 - Stop being triggered all the time

E109 - How changing actually looks & feels like


More Energy Resources:


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