What are the emotions of stress? E72

Episode 72 December 13, 2022 00:17:39
What are the emotions of stress?  E72
Raise Your Energy
What are the emotions of stress? E72

Dec 13 2022 | 00:17:39


Hosted By

Linda Lange

Show Notes

In this episode, we are going to discover the emotions of stress. Why? When you understand which emotions harm your mental and physical health because you are constantly living in stress and survival – you can actually do something about it. 

How does that sound? Good? Ok, let’s get started.

In this episode you’ll learn:

For the full show notes, visit raiseyourenergypodcast.com


Episode Mentions:

Finally ready to change? Join the ENERGY ACADEMY to turn your outlook on emotions around


Listen next to:

E103 - What causes All-or-Nothing thinking?

E109 - How changing actually looks & feels like

E33 - Step out of survival mode and into your life


More Energy Resources:


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