3 Practices how to protect your energy while still being kind E55

Episode 55 August 16, 2022 00:20:37
3 Practices how to protect your energy while still being kind  E55
Raise Your Energy
3 Practices how to protect your energy while still being kind E55

Aug 16 2022 | 00:20:37


Hosted By

Linda Lange

Show Notes

Do you know the dilemma that you want to protect your energy levels from others but still want to be a kind and helpful person? And you might think that if you protect your energy more then you are not such a good friend, partner, colleague or parent. 

I will give you 3 ways today how you can get better at protecting your energy levels and still be the kind person that you are today.

In this episode you’ll learn:

For the full show notes, visit raiseyourenergypodcast.com


Episode Mentions:

Sign up for the Mind Your Energy training

The book Karma by Sadghuru


Listen next to:

E17 - Protect your energy from other people’s low vibes!

E73 - HeartMath: Transform your stress into resilience

E80 - Unblock the abundant energy flow inside of you


More Energy Resources:


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